data = KINEMATICSPIG_DATA(data,settings) computes global pelvis and lower-limb joint angles based on the joint coordinate system of Grood and Suntay (1983) ARGUMENTS data ... Zoo data graphs ... true or false (boolean). Graph comparisons against PiG data, if available . Default: false RETURNS data ... zoo data appended with kinemaitc channels ERR ... structured array containing RMS error values for each angle NOTES: - It is anatomically implausible for the vectors to flip during walking but may be possible for tasks with large ranges of motion (e.g. running). A correction has been implemented at the knee, but might require future updates (see 'checkflippg' function). - For PiG, choice of axes for angle computation based on detailed work of Vaughan (Dynamics of Human Gait 1999, Appendix B p94-96). This is the Grood and Suntay method. - For OFM choice of axes based on trial and error. SUMMARY OF CALCULATIONS floating axis (PIG) = cross(lat_prox , long_dist) Pelvis flx = asind(dot(-long_dist,lat_prox,2)); abd = asind(dot(long_dist,ant_prox,2)); twix = asind( dot(ant_dist,ant_prox,2)./cosd(flx)); twiy = asind( dot(ant_dist,lat_prox,2)./cosd(flx)); * adjustments made on direction of travel Hip & Knee flx = asind(dot(floatax,long_prox,2)); abd = asind(dot(lat_prox,long_dist,2)); tw = asind(dot(floatax,lat_dist,2)); Ankle PiG flx = asind(dot(floatax,ant_prox,2)); abd = asind(dot(lat_prox,long_dist,2)); tw = asind(dot(floatax,lat_dist,2)); See also makebones, bmech_kinematicsPiG, bmech_jointcentrePiG